Master Appliance heat guns are some of the hottest tools on the market. With heat guns in our line reaching temperatures of 1,000°F, we say that literally and figuratively.
How does heat gun temperature work?
Some heat guns operate on select temperature settings, while others offer variable heat control that allows precise temperatures. If your heat gun reaches at least 1,000°F you will be able to execute a wide range of heat gun applications.
What is the proper heat gun temperature for your project?
Every heat gun application involves a different heat gun temperature. You run the risk of damaging your project if you set your gun to a temperature higher than necessary.
As you work with a heat gun more often, you will discover the ideal heat gun temperature for your given project. Be sure to share our temperature chart with your friends, and feel free to post it on your blog or site.
* Users should independently evaluate the suitability of a heat gun for their own applications.